Dernières performances PRIX Circle City Stakes (stakes)
R14 - C11
Dernières performances PRIX Circle City Stakes (stakes)
R14 - C11
02/10/2024 - 01:17 • Plat • usa-horseshoe indianapolis
Nb chevaux : 11
Prix : 90090€
Discipline : Plat
Distance : 1200m
Conditions :
FOR REGISTERED INDIANA BRED TWO YEAR OLDS. (COLTS AND GELDINGS PREFERRED.) No nomination fee, $150 to pass the entry box, and an additional $100 to start with $100,000 Added. After paying 1% to owners of horses finishing sixth through last, the remaining purse will be divided, 60% to the winner, 20% to second, 11% to third, 6% to fourth and 3% to fifth. Weight: 122 lbs. Non-winners of two races other than claiming, 2 lbs. of one race other than claiming 4 lbs. This stake will be limited to twelve starters. If more than twelve horses pass the entry box, preference will be given to (1) Colts and Geldings, (2) High Weights (sex allowances considered), (3) Highest Earnings will then be used in determining the order of preference of horses assigned equalweights. Closed with 24 Nominations.
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