Dernières performances PRIX Race 11
R14 - C11
Dernières performances PRIX Race 11
R14 - C11
27/06/2024 - 01:17 • Plat • usa-horseshoe indianapolis
Nb chevaux : 9
Prix : 13889€
Discipline : Plat
Distance : 300m
Conditions :
FOR REGISTERED QUARTER HORSES, REGISTERED INDIANA BRED, TWO YEAR OLDS. Weight 124 lbs. By subscription of $300 due May 1 to nominate to the trials and an additional $500 sustaining payment due June 1. Supplementary nominations may be made by June 1 for $1,100. Nomination and sustaining payments to be added to the Jaguar Rocket Final Purse of $100,000 Added. The top ten fastest qualifiers from these trials will remain eligible to the Jaguar Rocket Final on July 20. This race will be run as many times as deemed necessary. Fields will be limited to ten starters. If less than 14 horses enter into the trials, the trials will be cancelled and moved to the final with preference given to horses with the highest lifetime earnings. Current nomination information will also be available at INDIANAQUARTERHORSERACING.COM Checks should be made payable to Q.H.R.A.I.
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